Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more
A short history of the notice of motion is as follows:
Cllr Denzil Coulson proposed a notice of motion that was delayed for a later meeting, while legal advice was sought. Cllr Counlson was not available for the next meeting and therefore the notice of motion was amended by me, seconded by Cllr Ian Johnson. The amendment had full cross party support. The amendment was made following legal discussion on what was and was not permissible for a council to do. The motion is available below.
The notice of motion was carried unanimously in July 2008 and letters were then to be sent. Unfortunately the letters were not sent and in December 2008, after months of asking, I asked a formal question at a full council meeting which is below. The letters were then sent and the response they have received is also below.
The response we have received from the government is disappointing and I feel the next place to go is to one of our MEPs. I will keep the site updated on how I progress.
Letter to Government from Woking BC about Zimbabwe situation
Letter reply from Government to Woking BC
Notice of Motion as submitted
Notice of Motion – Councillor D C CoulsonThe Council had before it the following Notice of Motion by Councilllor D C Coulson deferred at the last meeting of Council. A report had been prepared by the Council’s Monitoring Officer to provide legal advice to assist the Council in its approach to determining the Notice of Motion.“This Council resolves that:
(i) it does not do business with any companies currently doing business with the Mugabe regime in
(ii) the Chief Executive be asked to write to the Chairman of the Trustees of the Surrey County Council Pension Fund requesting the disposal of any shares in companies which do business in
(ii) express its recognition, support and respect for the human rights of individuals and to actively promote human rights;
(iii) ask the Chief Executive to write to the Trustees of the Surrey County Council Pension Fund and encourage their adoption of an ethical investment policy, so far as is consistent with proper financial stewardship and securing the best return for its beneficiaries; and
(iv) write an open letter to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon. Hazel Blears MP, requesting enablement through statutory instrument to permit a preference for doing business with companies that have no involvement with the Mugabe regime in
Councillor Wells spoke in support of the amendment and thanked the Borough Secretary and Solicitor and Councillor A C L Bowes for their assistance intaking the amendment forward.The amendment was supported unanimously. The substantive motion was before the Council and it was WBC08-042
RESOLVED That this Council:
(i) condemns in the strongest terms the human rights and other abuses perpetrated by or in association with the Mugabe regime in
(ii) expresses its recognition, support and respect for the human rights of individuals and to actively promote human rights;
(iii) asks the Chief Executive to write to the Trustees of the Surrey County Council Pension Fund and encourage their adoption of an ethical investment policy, so far as is consistent with proper financial stewardship and securing the best return for its beneficiaries; and
(iv) writes an open letter to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon. Hazel Blears MP, requesting enablement through statutory instrument to permit a preference for doing business with companies that have no involvement with the Mugabe regime in
Question 1 Following the notice of motion passed on the 24th July regarding Zimbabwe and noting the clause (ii) calling on the council to express its recognition, support and respect for the human rights of individuals and to actively promote human rights; could the leader of the council please outline the actions taken by the council to do so?
Question 2 Following the notice of motion passed on the 24th July asking the Chief Executive to write to the Trustees of the Surrey County Council Pension Fund and to write an open letter to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, the Rt Hon. Hazel Blears MP. Could the leader of the council assure the council that this has been done and provide a copy of the letter to members?