Olly Wells

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more

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Update from the Woking Cycle Forum – 5th October 2009

by admin on 15 November, 2009

On the evening of the 5th October I attended the Woking Cycle Form as a representative of Woking Borough Council.  It was pleasing to see a Conservative Councillor also in attendance for the first time I can remember.  I was not able to stay right to the end as I had a diary class as I was on the rota to help out at the Cabin in Knaphill.

There was a lot of good news for cycling in Woking which is covered in the minutes available below.  Highlights from these for Knaphill include: The completion of the link between Percheron Drive and Redding Way as well as the link across Knaphill Country park via Hermitage Road.  Woking is being actively encouraged to put in bids for additional funding for which matched funding may not be required, bids may include a new cycle crossing for the Brookwood cross roads.

Good new for cycling in Woking showed that cycle usage is up. Electronic cycle counters show considerable increases in cycling along the Basingstoke canal path from 57 cyclists a day in July 2007 to 389 in June 2009.

In a change to where we can cycle in Woking, the cycle ban in the town centre has been lifted on particular routes, making them shared use, for an 18 month trial.  These routes are available on a map called ‘getting around town’ which I have not been able to find online.  I will reserve judgement on whether it is a good idea to do this until after the 18 month trial, which started in April.

Cycle Woking has been involved in a bikeability project offering the opportunity for young people to tryout bikes and to learn to cycle safely, so far visiting 5 schools.  This is a positive step given that with an increase in the price for cycle proficiency this training may plug a gap that may have resulted from reduced take up of cycle proficiency that a cycle town cannot afford to have.  I asked a question about this as is mentioned in the minutes.

 The minutes of the meeting are available here: Cycle Form Minutes

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