Olly Wells

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more

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Update on the Woking Cycle Forum

by admin on 26 January, 2011

On Tuesday 11th January 2011, I attended a meeting of the Woking Cycle Forum.

The minutes of the meeting are available here: Woking Cycle Forum minutes January 2011.

Highlights of the meeting include:

Following the vote of the Woking Borough Council – Surrey County Council Local Committee to remove the island known as Fishwick Island, funding is being sought to remove the island.  This will cost in the region of £10,000.  However, Cycle England funding cannot be used to do this.  For this reason the island is likely to remain in the very short term.

There is now a counter petition to keep the island, which can be signed here.

Cycle Woking ends as a project at the end of March 2011.  New funding to replace funding from Cycle England will be available from April 2011 in the form of local sustainable transport funding that Surrey County Council rather than Woking Borough Council can bid for.  Sustainable transport funding will include enabling more walking, cycling and electric powered transport.

Future enhancements to transport infrastructure in Woking will need to come from section 106 opportunities created when new buildings are developed.

Cycle route signage in Sheets Heath will be embedded into the cycle path as a trial of a less obtrusive method of providing signage.

The cycle paths under Victoria Arch are to be investigated to check they have been drawn at the correct width.

The proposed alterations to cycle routes alongside the development of the new WWF headquarters in Brewery road are ongoing, at present these appear clumsy.

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