Olly Wells

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more

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Concern about Woking Borough Council’s attitude towards human rights

by admin on 23 January, 2011

In early December I contacted Councillor John Kingsbury, leader of Woking Borough Council, to request that should Liu Xiao Bo remain in prison in China following his award of the Nobel Peace Prize on the 10th December, Woking Borough Council lower the Woking Standard to half mast on the 28th December, Liu Xiao Bo’s birthday.  This mirrored the action taken in 2009 for Aung Sun Suu Kyi on her birthday.  At the time of this action in 2009, Aung Sun Suu Kyi was the only Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison in the world.  Following the release of Aung Sun Suu Kyi in 2010 and Liu Xiao Bo receiving the Nobel Peace prize, this unfortunate distinction fell to Liu Xiao Bo.   

After chasing Councillor Kingsbury for a reply, I was informed that after consultation with the Conservative Woking Borough Council Executive the request to lower the flag to half mast was not going to be acceded to.  The reasons given ranged from the fact that unlike Aung Sun Suu Kyi, Liu Xiao Bo was not an internationally recognised figure or an elected President of his country.  There are two reasons why I do not accept these arguments for not lowering the flag.  Firstly, Liu Xiao Bo could not be an elected President of China as it is not and has never been a democratic country and Secondly, Liu Xiao Bo is an internationally recognised figure, hence his award of the Nobel Peace prize.

In 2008 Woking Borough Council made a commitment to respect and promote human rights, having failed to lower the Woking Standard to half mast as an act to promote Liu Xiao Bo’s plight, is a failure on behalf of Woking Borough Council to honour this commitment.

To make matters worse on Monday 17th January Woking Borough Council flew the Chinese flag over Woking Borough Council’s offices to honour a visiting delegation from China.  It seems that Woking Borough Council will not honour the plight of a Nobel Peace prize winner, but will honour the country making him a victim.

I will be asking a formal question at the next Full Council meeting to understand when the Woking Standard can be lowered for human rights.  I am also going to discuss with Liberal Democrat colleagues a motion banning Woking Borough Council from flying the flags of non democratic countries.

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