Olly Wells

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more

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Update from the Woking Cycle Forum

by admin on 12 July, 2009


As one of the two councillor members of the Woking Cycle Forum (both Lib-dems), the other being Cllr Norman Johns. I attended the meeting on Wednesday 10th June with interest.

Rather than list all of the discussion that took place at the meeting, which I expect will be available in far greater detail on websites belonging to other organisations present such as the Woking Cycle Users Group website, I will just mention a few bits of information I found especially interesting.  The Saturn cycle was due to be officially opened and has opened by now.  The sign posts that state distances in time to cycle rather than miles is based on an assumption that cyclists cycle at 9 mph, which for me is ideal is it is exactly the speed I travel.

Concern was expressed about the amount of overgrown foliage along the towpath and this was to be referred back to Surrey County Council as it is not part of the Woking Borough Council contract with Serco.

I was interested to hear about the ‘two tings’ scheme which is being run by British Waterways across London aiming to encourage cyclists to pass pedestrians safely and for pedestrians to understand that cyclists ring their bell out of polite regard for safety as a ‘I am here’ rather than an aggressive ‘get out of my way’.  I think a bit of publicity of a ‘two tings’ system in Woking would go along way towards easing potential tension between different users along the canal tow path.

New layouts for cycle crossings and cycle paths were looked at and discussed as well as a discussion of the possible introduction of swing bridges at two points in the canal where at present cyclists need to cross roads to cross over to the other side of the canal when the two path switches side, such as in St John’s.

The work to improve the canal is continuing and discussion is underway regarding the extension of work slightly out of the borough as originally intended.


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