Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more
by admin on 25 May, 2009
Despite or rather as is clear from appearances, Surrey County Council has in the past under spent its road budget. Cllr Skellet, until recently the Leader of Surrey County Council and a Conservative, even appeared to suggest in the letters page of the Surrey Advertiser that people were satisfied with the quality of Surrey’s roads and that he didn’t know what was wrong with the roads. The Surrey Advertiser reported in April 2009 that Surrey County Council had spent more than £42,000 of public funds to discover what the people thought was wrong with our roads Surely this can’t be, how can Surrey’s Conservatives travel around Surrey’s roads are in a terrible state and it is time that Surrey County Council really did something about it. It is hard to drive from A to B on a given day and not feel the familiar bump of a pothole or two along the way. I along with many other Surrey road users have had to change a wheel when driving in an area of Surrey I am not familiar enough with to know where all the potholes are, having driven into one and damaged my tyre. Despite the efforts of Lib-dem County and Borough Councillors it is only getting worse.
Make 4th June the day that you stand up for Surrey’s roads by voting Liberal Democrat.
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