Olly Wells

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more

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Surprise at Knaphill Councillor Whitehand supporting development in the Green Belt.

by admin on 4 January, 2009

Conservative Councillor for Knaphill Melanie Whitehand submitted a written representation in favour of a development in the Green Belt at Botany Barns, Barrs Lane to the Woking Borough Council Planning Committee. This was mirrored by a similar letter of support from former Conservative Councillor.
It was clear to me that although the development would benefit the neighbouring Mizen’s railway, which is a highly commendable local attraction, we must seek to prevent further development into the Green Belt. This view was echoed by both the borough legal adviser and Woking Borough Council’s Deputy Chief Executive who both stressed that this development would lower the bar to further development on the Green Belt and be a risk to current council policy.

This episode leaves me worried about the views of some members of the Conservative party on other potential developments in Knaphill.

Further information about this post is available on the Knaphillian website: http://www.theknaphillian.com/

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