Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more
by admin on 28 December, 2008
On 3rd December I met staff from the Woking Borough Council Planning department to discuss the process of planning gain to try to understand when in the planning cycle planning gain is considered. I was surprised to learn that planning gain does not apply to all development, but only to larger developments and that planning gain at present in Knaphill is only directed towards playing space and cycle lanes. We discussed the possibility of targeting planning gain towards a wider selection of needs in Knaphill, such as school places, public transport, youth facilities and other community facilities. I was pleased to learn that the current planning gain arrangements are due to be reviewed with the possibility that rather than just requiring planning gain from larger developments, it may be possible for a smaller amount of planning gain to be required from smaller developments. At present many developers avoid planning gain, by developing new properties only up to the limit before planning gain is due. If this change can be made, then it should allow Knaphill to develop organically, rather than at present, when many developments are made without the necessary improvement in infrastructure and facilities for Knaphill.
I will be making further enquiries to see how I can ensure that the needs of Knaphill are taken into account if this change takes place.
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