Olly Wells

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more

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Recycling in public and subsidised business operations

by admin on 7 July, 2008

A few weeks back, I went to the cinema in Taiwan, while I was over there visiting family and a link school for Westminster Academy.  I was amazed that at the end of the film, everyone took their litter with them and on the way out put all of it into different recycling bins ready for recycling.  There were staff members there to instruct people on the separation process, but they didn’t really need to be there.  I saw the same thing at the school I visited, at the end of lunch students separated their waste from lunch into lots of different bins.  Taiwan seems to be aiming for 100% recycling or zero waste.  I think Woking has to rise to the challenge and do the same.  The recycling bins in the cinema were huge, wheelie bin size, but think how much popcorn, plastic and paper was recycled.

I have raised the issue to some degree with Ray Morgan the Chief Executive of Woking Borough Council and it has been received well.  So hopefully residents of Woking will be able to start recycling even more aiming for less waste going to landfill and hopefully wasting less too.

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