Olly Wells

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor for Knaphill Learn more

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Former Brookwood Hospital Estate letters to developers

by admin on 19 August, 2009

As the protracted adoption of roads on the former Brookwood Hospital site continues I have written letters to the developers urging them to give a concrete time table outlining when they anticipate the snagging list delaying adoption will be completed.  I will be writing more letters for other roads in the near future.

This follows sterling work by Surrey County Councillor Diana Smith, in putting together and frequently updating a webpage about the progress being made on each road.  This can be seen at http://dianasmith.mycouncillor.org.uk/files/2009/07/brookwood-hospital-roadsjuly09.pdf 

My letters can be accessed below:

Road adoption letter Coresbrook

Road adoption letter Florence Way B and Tringham Way

Road adoption letter Silistria Close, Brushfield Close, Barton Close, Florence Way A and Cavel Way

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